Our Product

Who We Are

GT Technologies is a sister company of Centurion University and Gram Tarang Employability Training Services.

GramTarang Technologies ( GT Tech) is established on 3 pillars of businesses:
1. Products Design & Development
2. Services - Managing Centre of Excellence’s (CoE) for skilling of students
3. VAR & Solution Implementation - Engineering and solutions support for niche technologies using open source and licensed softwares and domains

GT Technologies partners with Dassault Systemes India, AUS - Aarav Unmanned Systems-Bangalore, Advance Mechanical Services P Ltd (AMS) – Bangalore & others to work collaboratively in engineering services & solution implementation for valued customers.

Our Mission

We strive to deliver the best of the technology solutions to the industries to upgrade their processes and help them stay at par with the rest of the world. With the 4th industrial revolution, we want to digitize every organization with the governing technologies like augmented reality, robotics, 3-D printing, automation, and artificial intelligence.

Our Partners

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